Contraception, also known as fertility or birth control, involves methods of preventing pregnancy.
What is contraception?
Contraception, also known as fertility or birth control, involves methods of preventing pregnancy. Birth control methods include medications, devices and procedures that decrease or eliminate the chances of bearing children after vaginal intercourse. It is also very important to remember that birth control (aside from condoms) will not protect againstĀ sexually transmitted diseases or infections.
What are the most popular forms of birth control?
The following products, devices and procedures are sorted by effectiveness (via Planned Parenthood):
- Tubal ligation/sterilization – 99% effective
- Vasectomy – 99% effective
- Implant – 99% effective
- IUD – 99% effective
- Shot – 94% effective
- Patch – 91% effective
- Pills – 91% effective
- Vaginal ring – 91% effective
- Diaphragm – 88% effective
- Condom – 85% effective
- Female condom – 79% effective
- Sponge and Fertility Awareness Methods – 76-88% effective
- Cervical cap – 71-86% effective
- Spermicide – 71% effective
To learn more about these specific birth control methods, please consult Dr. Taaly Silberstein. Women in the greater Los Angeles area can benefit from her candor and expertise. With all of the available contraceptive out there, it can feel overwhelming to choose birth control that is both effective and comfortable. As an OB/GYN, Dr. Silberstein wants you to feel comfortable discussing your concerns and questions related to birth control. Sexual health is extremely important, and Dr. Silberstein wants you to get the best care and information available.
Contraception and birth control services in the greater Los Angeles area
To discuss contraception and birth control with a local OB/GYN, request an appointment at our Tarzana office. Dr. Silberstein can prescribe medication, provide devices and perform procedures related to birth control. Give us a call at (818) 996-3200 to get started.
You can learn more about Dr. Silberstein here.