Sexual Health
Our sexual health services educate patients in various sexual issues, helping them deal with any problems in the bedroom.
What is the purpose of sexual health services?
Dr. Taaly Silberstein’s sexual health services educate patients in various sexual issues, helping them deal with any problems in the bedroom. Dr. Silberstein helps diagnose and treat any related illnesses and makes sure that the patient is happy with her sex life.
What type of education is available?
Dr. Silberstein provides an array of educational resources related to sex and reproduction. She provides information about puberty, intercourse, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual dysfunction, and family planning. In addition, she answers any questions her patients may have about their sexual health.
Does Dr. Silberstein prescribe contraception?
We encourage our patients to use contraception when they want to prevent unintended pregnancy and protect themselves from sexually-transmitted infections. Dr. Silberstein offers several different options for patients, including oral contraception, injections, intrauterine devices, and implants. She will discuss these options with each patient to determine which method will be the best choice based on their lifestyle and other factors.
What can Dr. Silberstein do for patients with sexual problems?
If a patient experiences a sexual problem, such as low libido, painful intercourse, or other issues, Dr. Silberstein works to identify the source of the sexual dysfunction. Depending on the symptoms the of the patient, Dr. Silberstein asks additional questions, performs an exam, and orders specific tests. Once she determines the cause of the issue, she prescribes strategies or treatments the patient can use to improve the symptoms or resolve the issue.
Can Dr. Silberstein treat sexually-transmitted infections?
If a patient suspects that she has a sexually-transmitted disease, Dr. Silberstein can help. She begins by ordering tests to diagnose the illness. Depending on the results of these tests, she prescribes medications or other treatments to clear the infection. If you have any questions regarding sexual health, call (818) 996-3200.